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Voila For Mac

  • 软件介绍

Voila for Mac很强大,到了让人毛骨悚然的地步。和Mac 上功能多的截图软件相比较,它还附带图像编辑美化功能。在截图功能上,Voila 专业到了极致。除了看到截图二字就想到的大众功能,软件还能:截取任意形状(图片中就截图了一个 Nike Logo 状的形状),截取多区域、甚至到网页中的单个 DOM 元素(!!!)等等等等。它连摄像头也不放过,能用 iSight 或者屏幕录像直传 youtube。Voila 编辑美化功能虽多,看到界面很难不会操作。加个相框,画个箭头神马的相当容易操作。欢迎来9553下载免费版本。它的正版的价钱是 20 美元,可以在Mac App Store 购买。

Voila For Mac
Voila For Mac



Voila 中的过滤器功能显著,你可以通过它来应用如:深褐色,黑白,翻转,倾斜和模糊等特效。毋庸置疑,Voila 中最令人满意的就要属锐边和倾斜特效了。通过锐边来为两种不同类型的图片融合在一起。最后你可以将图片以PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PDF, GIF和BMP等格式导出

Voila For Mac


Powerful. Efficient. Infinite Possibilities.Crystal Clear Screen Recording

Capture anything on your screen in HD at up to 60 frames per second! You can also record your iPhone or iPad’s screen and add voiceovers for improvised iOS screen recordings. Voila’s powerful screen recording features are great for capturing streaming video, iOS device content, gameplay, making tutorials, vlogs and much more.

Flexible Image Screen Capture

Get more than just simple screenshots. In addition to fullscreen captures, you can also capture selected areas in great detail – Choose from shapes like a rectangle, circle or go freehand!

Lightning Fast Sharing and Exporting

Voila can get you sharing and exporting captures in a jiffy. Get instant access to YouTube, Dropbox, Evernote, Tumblr, FTP/SFTP servers and other popular services. It also supports the native Mac OS X Facebook, Twitter, iMessage, Flickr and Vimeo integration!


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