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Clarify Language mac(英语学习软件)

  • 软件介绍

Clarify Language Mac版是一款在MAC上使用的学习软件,这是一款非常重要的英语词典软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。它拥有700多种不同的字典,所有内容都来自权威的发布者,如柯林斯英语词典,对于提高英语水平很有帮助,有需要的亲们不要错过了。对于英语专业人士也很有帮助,这是一款非常不错的英语参考文献的软件。可以到苹果商店免费的下载该软件。

Clarify Language mac(英语学习软件)


Clarify Language Mac版主要包含柯林斯英语词典,柯林斯英语词库,以及其他 30 种语言的词典。它是最简便的学习方式帮助你理解外文语言和沟通。找到你需要的词汇,它会直接帮你得到翻译,解释,范例,语法信息和同义词。


Clarify Language gives you:

• Free dictionaries

• High quality content

• Convenient user experience

• All platforms

Clarify Language is a dictionary app for your Mac with over 700 different dictionaries. All content is from trusted publishers such as Collins and KDictioanries. These include:

• Collins English Dictionary

• Collins English Thesaurus

• + 30 other languages

Clarify Language will in a convenient way help you understand language and communicate better. With Clarify you look up a word and get translations, explanations, examples, grammatical information and synonyms.

Clarify Language provide high quality content to, from and between the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English (US), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malayalam, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese!


  • PC版
  • 安卓版

