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iMute Mac版(麦克风静音工具)

  • 软件介绍

iMute Mac版是一款能够为你的 Mac 电脑进行麦克风静音的小工具,软件体积小巧,操作简单。为了安全起见,一般在不用的时候最好是将摄像头和麦克风都禁用掉。同时iMute Mac版应用还有其他几个比较实用的小功能。这是一款很不错的静音工具,能够有效的提高你的效率。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店免费下载体验。

iMute Mac版(麦克风静音工具)







iMute Mac版(麦克风静音工具)


Are you monitored by hacker or malicious websites?

version history: v1.51->v1.53->v1.60->v1.65->v1.72

Attention: iMute is NOT a simple mute switch as some users described! It goes far beyond by guarding your microphone and preventing any app or website from turning it on. It will protect you from monitored by hacker or malicious websites.

When you are talking to someone about something important and don't want to be listened to, shut down your Mac or keep iMute running.

Your MacBook's built-in microphone is clear and sensitive, but by default, it is always on. If you wish to mute your microphone for security or other reasons, you need iMute!

iMute is displayed on top of all other apps, and it mutes your mic, guaranteed. It is perfect for use with FACETIME, SKYPE and other communication software to ensure a muted Mic.


版本 v1.72 中的新功能

v1.65 -> v1.72

major upgrade version, features added according to user's feature request:

- add option to switch to manual mode and enable manual control buttons

- add manual mute/unmute click status menuitem

- add red color status menu icon indicating "UNMUTE" status

- add slider control of auto check interval, auto mute checking can be set repeat from every 30 seconds to 300 seconds

- updated "more by dragonBTV" panel

