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Page Layers for mac(网页制作软件)

  • 软件介绍

Page Layers for Mac是一款专为网页设计人员提供的网页设计制作软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。它是一款运行在苹果mac平台上的图像处理软件,可以将捕捉的网页快速的转换成psd图层文件,方便用户制作出精美漂亮的网页,有需要的朋友,欢迎到苹果商店下载体验该软件。

Page Layers for mac(网页制作软件)



【2】这是唯一的OS X的网站截图程序你将永远需要,其独特的能力,捕捉层Web页。


Page Layers is a Mac website screenshot app that converts web pages to photoshop files featuring separate layers for all page elements.

Page Layers allows you to import existing pages into Photoshop and will save you lots of time when re-designing or improving existing web pages.

Just open any page in the embedded browser and save the page as PSD with layers or plain PNG. Every web page element (every image, link, block, …) will be rendered as separate, named layer. Layer groups will be created according to the site structure.

It is the only OS X website screenshot app you will ever need, unique in its capability to capture web pages with layers.




What's New in Version 1.9.1

- Improved layer order for table elements - table rows and cells are now ordered from top to bottom / from left to right

- Fixed a bug where content from :after and :before pseudo elements could be visible for other elements

- Fixed a bug where text would not be placed properly when rendering a retina screenshot with "Generate text layers" activated

- Fixed a bug where elements would not be resized correctly in full-height captures for pages that change element sizes with an deferred JavaScript onResize event handler

- Fixed a bug where table borders would be rendered for all table cells for tables formatted with Bootstrap CSS / tables that use the CSS attribute border-collapse

