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PDFScanner Mac版(文件扫描工具)

  • 软件介绍

PDFScanner Mac版是一款Mac平台上的PDF文件扫描软件,软件功能强大,操作简单,PDFScanner for Mac的开发创建紧紧围绕一个简单的任务:扫描和存档文件,快速和容易使用,并使PDF文件容易被Spotlight搜索到。它对于提高办公效率非常的有帮助,欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

PDFScanner Mac版(文件扫描工具)


有许多应用程序为OS X系统提供扫描图像或文字。他们大多是非常复杂、速度慢或没有真正适合扫描文档或字母。而PDFScanner for Mac则有改于那些软件的复杂、慢速和不细节。PDFScanner for Mac的开发创建紧紧围绕一个简单的任务:扫描和存档文件,快速和容易使用,并使PDF文件容易被Spotlight搜索到。

当执行ocr光学识别技术时,PDFScanner for Mac直接增加了识别的文本将扫描的图像作为一种无形的层,因此可以对文本进行选择和复制,就像在其他的PDF文件中那样。

PDFScanner Mac版(文件扫描工具)


There are many applications for OS X that allow scanning of images or text. Most of them are however complex, slow or not really suited for scanning documents or letters.

PDFScanner has been created with one simple task in mind: Scanning and archiving documents as quick and easy as possible, and making them findable with Spotlight search.

When performing OCR, PDFScanner adds the recognized text directly to the scanned image as an invisible layer, so the text can be selected and copied just like in other PDF files.


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