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PhotoLine图像处理软件 v18.50官方安装版PhotoLine下载





它具有图层处理、PhotoShop 滤镜插件、图层样式、网页图像制作、网页动画制作、矢量作图、插入文字图层、多页面处理(可编辑 PDF 文件、icon 文件)等高级图像处理软件的功能。它还能用来批量转换图像文件格式(在转换过程中还可以进行自动化修改操作)、快速浏览文件夹中的图片、修正数码相片白平衡、将点阵图片转换为矢量图片等等,是一个图像处理的多面手。


PhotoLine Version 18.50

PhotoLine is a very powerful Imaging Software for Windows and Mac OS.

A modern concept made it possible to create a small programm with a variety

of functions and very high operation speed.

If you have problems with PhotoLine, please read the file faq.txt in the Infos

folder of your PhotoLine installation.

If you don't understand a function at once please read

the explanations in the status bar (bottom border of PhotoLine).

If this is not enough, you can use the ?arrow-cursor and click where

ever you want in PhotoLine and you will get help on the clicked point.

PhotoLine is shareware. You may test PhotoLine 30 days. The only

limitation is that no compressed TIF files can be saved and the GIF-Format

is crippled.

If you want to use PhotoLine after these 30 days, you have to

register it at Computerinsel GmbH (address below) and pay the

registration fee of 59 Euro - simpliest via credit

card on www.pl32.com.

If you have already registered PhotoLine you can get an upgrade

(Upgrade fee is 29 Euro).

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