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小红伞mac版是一款基于mac os x系统上的杀毒软件,它是德国著名杀毒软件的Mac系统中文版本,其英文名为AntiVir,自带防火墙(S版),它能有效的保护个人电脑以及工作站的使用,以免受到病毒侵害。软件只有百兆大小,它却可以检测并移除超过60万种病毒,支持网络更新。虽然苹果的Mac OS系统有很强的安全性能,能够自主防御很对病毒和第三方间谍软件,但是如今病毒横行天下,防毒软件是每台机器都必不可少的,如果你不屑于用盗版的话,AntiVir是个很不错的选择哦!它是一款免费的Mac OS平台杀毒软件。AntiVir的可靠性是经过多次对比试验和独立的商业纪录证明了的。


Avira Free Mac Security 有厂商获得国际专利大奖的软件杀毒技术,安装之后你可以毫不担心您的设备。我们的解決方案只花几分钟您就可以安裝完成,为您带来即时的恶意程序攻击防护、固定程序定期扫描、一键病毒移除和更加人性化的系统UI。

达独到的防御恶意程序软件、能够防御各种第三方攻击, Avira Android Security 是您安全网络生活生活当中真正多功能的良伴。 智慧的应用程式同样具备业界领先技术的杀毒功能,可以为您和您的设备提供防护功能,让您的设备免受盗窃和攻击。

Avira AntiVir MAC version is a MAC OS x system based on the antivirus software, it is a well-known German MAC Chinese version of antivirus software, its English name AntiVir, built-in firewall (S), it can effectively protect the use of personal computers and workstations, from the virus. Software only MB size, it can detect and remove more than 600000 species of virus, support network updates. Although apple's Mac OS system has a strong security performance, can autonomous defense is to virus and third-party spyware, but virus, wandered the world nowadays, antivirus software is an essential part of every machine, if you bother to use pirate, AntiVir is a very good choice! It is a free anti-virus software Mac OS platform. AntiVir's reliability is after a lot of contrast experiments and proved the independent business record.

Avira antivir features

Avira Free Mac Security has won international patent award maker software antivirus technology, you can not worry about your equipment after installation. Our solution only take a few minutes you can installation is complete, to bring you the real-time malware attack protection, fixed program regularly scan, a key virus removal and more humanized system UI.

Original defense malicious program software, able to attack and defense of third party Avira Android Security network Security is your life really versatile company life. Application of wisdom anti-virus function has the same industry leading technology, can provide protection for you and your equipment function, let your device against theft and attack.


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