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contactssyncer for Mac

  • 软件介绍

contactssyncer for Mac是Mac平台上一款实用工具。这是一款好用的通讯录管理软件,可以把联系人信息同步到其他设备上,软件功能强大,操作简单。contactssyncer for Mac帮助用户从谷歌,Twitter中的联系人将其导入通讯录,微软的Outlook,MS Excel或电子名片。而且软件还能把通讯录中的联系人在地图上显示出来,方便用户使用。在苹果商店可以免费下载这个小工具。

contactssyncer for Mac


contactssyncer for Mac现在将显示通讯录群组地址簿联系人地址(包括企业和个人),现在可以显示在地图视图中,方便用户进行使用。

contactssyncer for Mac


ContactsSyncer imports your contacts from your address book (contacts.app), vCards, Gmail, Google+, XING, Yahoo, Twitter and vKontakte, displays them in a list and exports them into either your contacts.app, MS Outlook 2011, MS Excel, as a csv or vCard file. It will update present contacts (checks for the first and last name) to avoid duplicates. You can also load the contacts from your own Mac OS Addressbook into the app, which makes it a viable alternative to the Mac OS address book (contacts app), as it features a sortable list view.

Ever wanted to import multiple vCards into Outlook? Here you go!


  • PC版

