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Bartender 2 for Mac

  • 软件介绍


Bartender 2 for Mac


Bartender lets you organize your menu bar apps.

Bartender 2 for Mac


Lets you tidy your menu bar apps how you want.

See your menu bar apps when you want.

Hide the apps you need to run, but do not need to see.

Have the clean looking menu bar you want.

Rearrange your menu bar items as you wish.

Bartender lets you organize your menu bar apps, by hiding them, rearranging them, or moving them to Bartender’s Bar. You can display the full menu bar, set options to have menu bar items show in the menu bar when they have updated, or have them always visible in Bartender’s Bar.

There are loads of ways to configure Bartender to perform as you wish. Give it a go and find out.


  • PC版

