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opengl extensions viewer for mac

  • 软件介绍

Opengl extensions viewer Mac版是Mac平台上的一款显卡测试工具——OpenGLExtensions,它能够检测出显卡的FPS,让你能够直观的看见显卡性能到底有多强。软件功能强大,操作简单,能够侦测绘图处理器对OpenGL API的支持等级信息(OpenGL v1.1~v3.0),同时,opengl extensions viewer for mac内含测试功能,推荐大家在全屏模式下进行OpenGL测试,否则分数来去会非常大。欢迎来9553免费的下载使用这一款强大的系统检测工具。

opengl extensions viewer for mac


自从小编的显卡从ATI HD 6570换为ATI HD 6850后,显卡性能的确提升了不少,如果光从感觉上来辨别肯定是看不出来的,这就需要一款显卡测试软件来专业监测分析了。

opengl extensions viewer for mac

小编之前的HD 6570显卡测试OpenGL分数在1300左右波动,而换了HD 6850显卡后测试的OpenGL分数则在5000左右,分数足足提高了几倍。大家也可以测试下自己显卡的OpenGL分数来做个参考。

opengl extensions viewer for mac


Many OpenGL extensions, as well as extensions to related APIs like GLU, GLX, and WGL, have been defined by vendors and groups of vendors. The extension registry is maintained by SGI and contains specifications for all known extensions, written as modifications to the appropriate specification documents.

The registry also defines naming conventions, guidelines for creating new extensions and writing suitable extension specifications, and other related documentation.

This program displays the vendor name, the version implemented, the renderer name and the extensions of the current OpenGL 3D accelerator.

Supports OpenGL 1.1 to 2.1 and OpenGL 3.2 or superior for OSX 10.7 and superior, including Retina Display.


  • PC版

