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Browserism Mac版

  • 软件介绍

Browserism Mac版是一款Mac OS平台上的网络浏览器辅助工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。这是一款非常不错的浏览器插件,通过Browserism Mac版你可以快速完成默认浏览器的设置工作,它可以支持Safari, Chrome, Firefox, 和 Opera 这四款浏览器。如果使用在其他的浏览器上可能会出现错误提示。在苹果商店可以下载到这一款软件,当前售价12元。

Browserism Mac版


有许多朋友的 Mac 上不止装了 Safari 浏览器,由于工作、娱乐或者其他需求,Chrome,Firefox 都是我们桌面的常客,可是你有没有遇到总是来回切换默认浏览器的场景呢?使用 Browserism 这款小软件即可快速完成默认浏览器的设置工作,它支持 Safari, Chrome, Firefox, 和 Opera 这四款浏览器,此外还能再额外添加四款浏览器到软件菜单里。

Browserism Mac版

Browserism 的功能可不止如此,你还能设置一款浏览器职守为默认浏览器的时段,超过这个时段将自动转入下一个浏览器,另外还能为每个浏览器设置激活为默认浏览器的热键,方便快速调用。


Browserism is a little app that lives in your menu bar and helps you quickly switch your Mac's default web browser. Out of the box, Browserism supports Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, but you can also tell Browserism to use any other browser you have installed.

Browserism Mac版


- Change the default web browser from the menu bar or using hotkeys

- Automatically open specific links in specific browsers

- Automatically set the default browser to the one you're using

- Turn on/off opening links in the background

- Show the default browser's name and icon* in the menu bar

- Automatically switch the default browser on a schedule

- Wildcard URL rules, such as *.apple.com or apple.*

Browserism can be configured to open specific sites/links in specific browsers. As an example, you could have YouTube links open in Google Chrome, and Facebook links open in Safari.

Use a different browser at work than you do at home? Browserism can schedule your work browser to activate at 9:00 AM and your personal browser to activate at 5:00 PM (or whatever your work schedule is).

Are you a web developer who constantly needs to switch browsers? With Browserism's Silent Switching feature and system-wide hotkey support, you'll instantly notice how Browserism improves your workflow.

Anytime you have a need to switch your default browser, or control which links open in what browsers, Browserism is the quickest and easiest way to do it. No more looking for hard-to-find settings and menus or dealing with nagging system prompts.

Browserism supports OS X's dark mode and Retina displays.

Browserism requires OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion or higher.

*Menu bar browser icons are supported for Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Tor Browser (official client). A default icon will be used for other browsers.

版本 2.2.1 中的新功能

- Bug fixes and other improvements

- Option to show browser icon in menu

If you find Browserism useful, please consider writing App Store review. If you need support, please visit http://instinctualflaw.uservoice.com. Thank you for choosing Browserism


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