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iConify Mac版

  • 软件介绍

iConify Mac版是一款Mac平台的苹果应用图标自动化生成工具,这是一款非常简单易用的图标制作软件,软件功能强大,我们只需要拖进去原始图片,该应用图标自动化生成工具就能为我们自动生成iOS界面的不同尺寸图片,比如 abc.jpg和abc@2x.jpg等。适合IOS开发人员制作LOGO、图标等。这款软件在苹果商店下载,是免费的。

iConify Mac版





-iConify是智能的。通常,它产生了两个文件(@ 2X和一份你的原始文件)为每一个PSD文件拖放到它。如果你拖动一个文件,它自动生成8个不同的图标文件没有设置任何改变。


-你的工作流程变得超级简单。只需拖动文件一个一个图标。复制所有生成的文件从iConify folder到您的iOS项目"。

iConify Mac版



2.点击图中的2位置。 打开iConify folder即可看到生成的图片了。就这么简单。


iConify is a quick and easy app to generate assets for your iOS app.

Tired of exporting different sizes for different iOS devices? Fear not. With iConify, you can generate all these images straight from your PSD files.

Creating your assets is a very simple process using iConify. No file opening, no choosing cumbersome options, no export folder, nothing.

Just drag your PSD file and "boom". Your assets are created inside the iConify Folder.

Want to manually generate normal @2x files? Just switch to the assets tab and boom, they are there.

It's that simple.

Your workflow now becomes super simple. Just drag files onto to iConify. Copy all the generated files from the "iConify" folder to your iOS project. That's it.

If you like the app, do let your other iOS developers know about it and leave a rating on the AppStore.


  • PC版

