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Opus One Lite Mac版

  • 软件介绍

Opus One Lite Mac版是Mac平台上的一款任务效率软件,这是一款很不错的日历软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。Opus One Lite Mac版可以轻松地浏览和记录你的一天或一周的计划,从所有的名单中移动到日程的具体安排。能够帮助你提高效率,非常的方便。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店免费的下载官方版本。

Opus One Lite Mac版


Opus One Lite Mac版可以智能的优先安排或重新安排任务和事件。帮助用户轻松和有效率的处理每日的待办事项和管理日常日程。

Opus One Lite Mac版

Opus One Lite Mac版可以生成日常任务列表,状态,优先级和注释。包含了日历和事件集成。每日笔记与动机的报价和能力,包括文本和地图。主任务列表与侧规划视图。能够通过电子邮件来分享你的笔记,把它们发送到一个信息或发布到脸谱网和推特等功能。

Opus One Lite Mac版


An effective to do manager. Use our Master Task to get everything off your mind, easily glance at your day or week on the Planner, move from the list to the schedule. Finally drag and drop to reorder, prioritize or reschedule tasks & events.

Our powerful tools include:

1. Daily Task lists with status, priority and notes.

2. Daily Schedule and Event integration with Calendar.

3. Daily Notes with Motivational Quotes and the ability to include text and maps.

4. Master Task list with side Planner Views.

5. Ability to share your notes by email, send them in a message or post them to Facebook and Twitter


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  • 安卓版

