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Moku Hanga Mac版

  • 软件介绍

Moku Hanga Mac版是一款Mac平台上的照片处理软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。Moku Hanga Mac版可以将你的照片处理成木雕的效果,非常有趣的一款图片处理软件。只需要几个步骤,非常轻松地,就能制作出精彩的照片特效。在苹果商店可以下载这一款软件,当前售价88元。

Moku Hanga Mac版


Moku Hanga 是一种日本传统的木雕印刷工艺,将画面雕刻在木板上再影印出来。现在在 Mac上也能够利用 Moku Hanga 将自己的照片通过木雕印刷的方法做出相应的效果啦。

Moku Hanga Mac版

Moku Hanga软件拥有丰富的效果选择,主要分为多重颜色和多重层次两种,这和雕刻手法有关吧。两种方法下面又各有十几种效果可以选择,选定好效果以后还可以在线条粗细、力度、平滑度等方面进行微调,最后成片看上去非常有古朴的艺术气息,充满了日本的“禅”味道

Moku Hanga Mac版


You've discovered the fascinating art of Moku Hanga, the Japanese method of wood-block printing. Breathtaking landscapes, beautiful women, and busy cityscapes can be transformed into this exotic art known for flowing hand-chiseled outlines and brushed on color.

The Moku Hanga app, Moku the Japanese word for “wood” while hanga is known as “print”, allows you to create an artistic wood-block print from any picture or snapshot — no need for time consuming carving — the artists from JixiPix do all the work for you! With the power to fully customize your Moku Hanga, you can create a masterpiece artistic enough be part of printmaking history!

The outlines in Moku Hanga are extremely eye catching, replicating a hand chiseled relief-art. Using sliders found on the adjust tab you can control the smoothness, width and strength of the chiseled outline to fit your composition.

Presets are also available to give your project a quick start. Choose from a range of bold chisled outlines, and bright to subtle color combinations. If the preset colors chosen for your work are not to your liking, there is the option to alter your palette colors. Once the desired color is achieved complete your artwork with an artistic edge or paper. In printmaking the final image does rely on the choice of paper; whether it is kozo fibers or rice paper — this will add an artistic quaility to your print and complete your Moku Hanga.


版本 1.40 中的新功能



  • PC版
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  • iphone版

