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Haskell Mac版(开发工具)

  • 软件介绍

Haskell Mac版是Mac平台上的一款软件开发工具。软件功能强大,操作简单。是一款专门为HASKELL语言打造的编程工具Haskell是一种标准化的、通用纯函数式编程语言,有非限定性语义和强静态类型。Haskell Mac版可以帮助用户学习Haskell。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店下载该软件。

Haskell Mac版(开发工具)


Haskell的命名源自美国逻辑学家Haskell Brooks Curry,他在数学逻辑方面的工作使得函数式编程语言有了广泛的基础。在Haskell中,函数是一等公民。作为函数式编程语言,主要控制结构是函数。Haskell语言是1990年在编程语言Miranda的基础上标准化的,并且以λ演算(Lambda-Calculus)为基础发展而来。具有“证明即程序、结论公式即程序类型”的特征。这也是Haskell语言以希腊字母「λ」(Lambda)作为自己标志的原因。Haskell语言的最主要的执行环境是GHC。

Haskell Mac版(开发工具)


Haskell Mac版(开发工具)


Functional programming without the hassle. Learn and experiment visually.

Haskell for Mac is an easy-to-use integrated programming environment for the functional programming language Haskell. It features interactive Haskell playgrounds to explore and experiment with code. You can immediately see what your program is doing as you develop and change it. Playgrounds support more than just text. Computations can create rich and interactive graphics and web pages.

Haskell for Mac is made for beginners and experts alike.

• The continuous feedback of interactive Haskell playgrounds is ideal for learning functional programming.

• Everybody saves development time due to the fast turnaround as the Haskell code is continuously being type checked and tested against playground code while you edit and refactor.

• Haskell playgrounds provide the ideal environment for experts to quickly experiment with new ideas and to iterate on prototype code.

Haskell for Mac is designed for OS X Yosemite and El Capitan.

