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Cloud for Mac(云存储软件)

  • 软件介绍

Cloud for Mac是一款应用于Mac平台上的非常好用的软件,全称cloudapp,是一款非常好用的云存储软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。Cloud for Mac它可以帮助你自动的保存你文件的链接,你可以通过twitter、邮箱等分享方式将它们发送给你的朋友们。这是一款免费的软件,可以到苹果商店下载体验。

Cloud for Mac(云存储软件)


Cloud for Mac可以上传你的桌面截图、手机里的照片或者是你PS的图片。

Cloud for Mac(云存储软件)

Cloud for Mac操作简单、容易理解、界面简洁,完美适配OS X系统。

Cloud for Mac(云存储软件)

Cloud for Mac可以使用快捷键进行控制,可以对你的文件和链接进行设置和编辑。

Cloud for Mac(云存储软件)


Lightning fast media sharing and screengrabs. For designers, developers, QA and support teams.

CloudApp is the quickest and easiest way to share any file, screenshot, screen-recording, links and more with your team, clients and followers.

Drag a file to CloudApp or use our hotkey shortcuts to capture a screenshot or screen-recording, and let CloudApp take care of the rest. A link to the file will automatically be copied to your clipboard that you can share immediately via Twitter, IM, email, or smoke signals. You will then be able to create active conversations and provide rich feedback around these assets. While other applications make sharing a chore, CloudApp stays out of your way to integrate seamlessly in your workflow. Communicate more efficiently with elegant visual communication.


  • PC版

