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Caato Time Tracker for Mac(任务管理软件)

  • 软件介绍

Caato Time Tracker for Mac是一款在Mac上的任务管理与进度跟踪工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。这是一款非常实用的任务管理软件,它也是一个可靠的,易于使用和节省时间的应用程序。它专为设计师、顾问、开发商、律师或自由职业者进行任务管理和项目进度实施跟踪,帮助你合理安排任务,节省你的时间以提高效率。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店免费下载体验。

Caato Time Tracker for Mac(任务管理软件)


- 启动和暂停按钮

- 跟踪项目,任务和具体时间条目,包括秒

- 显示和隐藏项目

- 设置为自动转换数小时到数天

- 在一次(专业版)跟踪多个项目

- 允许在过去条目的编辑和添加条目在未来

- 上下文敏感的总数在状态栏

- 日期范围过滤器,预置和个别日期范围选择器

- 显示今天的工作时间,或在停靠图标正在跟踪的项目数量

- 具有完整的日期标签清洁的用户界面

- 简单的Excel和CSV格式与选项和电子邮件功能(OS X10.9或更高版本)的出口

- 视网膜分辨率支持

- 自动备份(请联系进行数据恢复Caato支持)

- 快速和友好的支持

Caato Time Tracker for Mac(任务管理软件)


版本1.1.5 更新内容:

修复了自定义日期范围过滤器是正确的OS X10.10约塞米蒂不显示的问题




OS X 10.7或更高版本


Time tracking should be easy and effortless. That's what Caato Time Tracker is about! It's reliable, easy-to-use and hassle-free. It’s perfect for you as a small business owner, designer, consultant, developer, architect, lawyer or freelance worker for tracking your worktime and billable hours as well as your projects and tasks.

The new and improved Caato Time Tracker features a date range filter that lets you see just the tracked time you are interested in. Getting the report you need for billing your clients is a matter of seconds with filter presets like "Last Month" and our new Excel export.

The visibility toggle (Pro Version) allows you to hide certain projects so that you can focus on what's important right now. And, if you’re wondering how many hours you’ve already worked today, just take a look at the app icon and you'll know it.


  • PC版

