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Pace for mac(定时休息软件)

  • 软件介绍

Pace mac是一款应用在mac平台上的定时休息软件,让你在工作中抽取一点点时间放松自己,软件功能强大,操作简单,可以按时的提醒你注意休息,避免长时间工作带来的身体劳损,对于久坐电脑前工作的上班族来说是一款很实用的软件。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店免费下载体验。

Pace for mac(定时休息软件)







Pace for mac(定时休息软件)


While you may need to work at your computer for hours at a time, that doesn’t mean that you need to suffer with muscle pain, eye strain, headaches, CVS, or RSI. Regular brief breaks refresh your body and your mind leading to improved productivity and creativity.

Pace is an intelligent assistant. It ensures you take regular breaks to refresh your mind and body, while not interrupting your meetings, presentations, or screen sharing sessions. No need to be embarrassed by a break appearing in the midst of your presentation or while you’re remotely sharing your screen.

Note: Some features are available through a one-time in-app purchase.

Pace for mac(定时休息软件)

Pace has short and long breaks.

• Short breaks happen frequently and usually last less than a minute each. They are the perfect time to take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, or do a quick stretch.

• Long breaks happen less often, but last longer. When they occur, it's a great time to go on a walk, get something to drink, or clean up your desk.

You can skip or snooze a break if you’re not quite ready to pause typing when the break screen displays.

You determine your level of self-discipline and the support you need from Pace. Advanced features allow you set limits on how many times a day you can skip or snooze a break.

I created Pace because I wanted a break software that was smart enough to know when it is professionally inappropriate for a break. I suffer from repetitive strain injury (RSI). As a software engineer I spend most of my day using a computer. Frequent breaks are essential to avoiding pain. I work remotely and use screen sharing apps frequently. When I forget to turn break software off, I have to explain the break screen to the person I’m working with. It can be embarrassing.


版本 1.1.0 中的新功能

Version 1.1 includes:

- New See-Through Break Screen

- Warnings before breaks

- New Menubar icon with subtle, but important, changes

- Experimental Preferences allows even more personalizing of your Pace experience (see help for more information)!

