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3DWeather mac(天气软件)

  • 软件介绍

3DWeather mac是一款Mac平台上的界面非常漂亮的天气预报软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。和其他天气预报软件动画相比,它的画面更加精美,是3D的,可以实时变化动画。这款天气软件还支持中文版,有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店免费下载体验。

3DWeather mac(天气软件)


软件提高了 4 种免费的 Widget Theme,有“阿尔卑斯山”、“孤独男”、“城市生活”以及“迷人小镇”。同时也提供了两款价值 1.99 $ 的付费 Widget Themes。

但是,这款软件也有 Menubar 模式,显示了更具体的气息信息,包括当天气息信息,24小时内天气信息以及四天内的天气预报数据。同时这款软件还支持 Notification Center 消息推送。


3DWeather Free is a unique weather application for Mac that shows weather statistics in 3D animated themes.

Get full weather forecast of different locations in one place. Get timely weather alert directly sent to the Notification Center. Users can keep a small widget on the desktop with basic weather information of a location that gets updated automatically over time. This is a delightful weather app that delivers weather forecasts in a unique way. Depending upon the weather condition, it prepares 3D animated atmospheric scenes in a small widget with basic climate status.

Users can click on the Menubar icon to quickly check weather status along with other important weather statistics. This makes it a lot easier to get latest weather updates and forecast of your location in an instant.


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