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PaintTime Mac版(画板软件)

  • 软件介绍

PaintTime Mac版是 Mac 下一款简单的画板软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。它类似于 Windows 中的画板一样。PaintTime 具有橡皮擦、画线、放大缩小等功能,支持撤销等操作,支持的图片格式包括 JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF 和 GIF。可以将编辑的结果自由导出,非常实用。这是Mac平台上一款非常不错的绘图工具,欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

PaintTime Mac版(画板软件)


PaintTime Mac版的特征:















PaintTime is a simple painting software similar to Microsoft Paint and MacPaint.

▶ Features:

- Basic tool including Eraser, Colorpicker, Zoom In/Out, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Rounded rectangle, Curve, Text and Fill tool

- Support image formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF

- You can paste images copied from any other Mac Apps

- Support Undo/Redo

- Create image from clipboard

- Change canvas/image size

- Add text on the image, customize font, size, color of text

- Flip horizontal/vertical

- Invert colors of the image

- Print your drawing

- Set background and foreground color for tools

- Show grid with zoom in function (4x or above)

- Move selected zone

▶ Feedback

Send your feedback to: mkousinfo@gmail.com, thanks.


  • PC版

