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WebDAVNav Server mac(文件分享软件)

  • 软件介绍

WebDAVNav Server for Mac是一款实用文件分享工具软件。软件功能强大,操作简单。这是一款非常实用的文件分享软件,可迅速的共享文件从你mac软件与其他计算机进行分享,还可以上传、下载、重命名。欢迎到苹果商店免费的下载体验。

WebDAVNav Server mac(文件分享软件)


WebDAVNav Server for Mac可以快速设置,选择文件夹共享,然后点击开始按钮即可。支持下载,上载,重命名,复制和您选择的文件夹中移动文件,包括如果需要设置用户名和密码的能力。使用规定的.p12支持HTTPS证书和私钥。支持选择如果需要生成自签名证书,通过使用HTML界面通过网络浏览器查看共享文件夹的内容。


WebDAVNav Server is a basic WebDAV server which can be used to quickly share files and folders from your Mac with other computers, mobile devices and apps, including WebDAV Navigator available in the iOS App Store.

* Quick setup, select the folder to share and click the Start button

* Download, Upload, Rename, Copy and Move files in your selected folder

* Includes the ability to set a username and password if required

* Support for HTTPS using provided .p12 certificate and private key

* Option to generate self-signed certificate if required

* View shared folder contents through a web browser using the HTML interface

* Drag and drop folders on the status icon to start sharing a new folder

* Support for multiple shares


版本 2.4 中的新功能

New option to disable restart on network changes


  • PC版

