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  • 软件介绍





战斗世界克洛诺斯Mac版是一款独立游戏新作,这款游戏原为KING Art Games工作室时隔六年的重启项目。


Battle World: Kronos is a classic turn-based strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle, Advance Wars and Panzer General. Have you ever wondered what games like that would look like today? Well, we did. As a result, we decided to develope Battle Worlds: Kronos.

Key Featues:

* Two Single Player Campaigns (~50 hours of gameplay)

* Single Player Challenge Maps - Test your skills in different combat scenarios and keep track of your progress.

* Live Multiplayer - Battle your friends live on the internet (cross-platform) or via hot-seat.

* Asynchronous Multiplayer - Take all the time you need and consider your moves. Similar to "play-by-mail", your round is stored on our server and turned over to your opponent. The system allows you to continue the match anytime and anywhere you want (cross-platform).

* Online Features - Leagues, chat and - in early 2014 - tournaments.

* Strong AI - A clever AI that will challenge even experienced commanders.


版本 1.4.3 中的新功能


- Savegames can now be deleted in the LoadGameScreen by selecting a savegame and then pressing the button that appears on the right.

- In a multiplayer online game you can now cancel ending your turn by clicking on the X in the message window

- Intro is now only shown on the first startup per default. If you want to show the intro on every startup you can enable it in the settings menu.

- Vision range is now changed immediately when diving/resurfacing submarines or choosing vision upgrades on unit level up

