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Themes for iBooks Author Mac版(电子书制作软件)

  • 软件介绍

Themes for iBooks Author Mac是一款用于iBooks电子书制作的模板合集,这是一款非常实用的电子书制作软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。一共收集了近200个专业级模板,简单轻松创建电子书。有需要的朋友,请到苹果商店下载体验。

Themes for iBooks Author Mac版(电子书制作软件)


Themes for iBooks Author 是引人注目的220个为苹果的新应用程序书模板创建和发布的集合。浏览各种各样的设计找到一个完美的看,添加你的文本和图像和iBookstore出版自己的书!


Themes for iBooks Author强调的是穿上有趣的写作,所以真的很容易插入文本、图形或者电影。您还可以改变颜色,字体和风格使你的工作正是你所希望的方式。添加文本、图表、表格或图片单击页面上的任何地方


Themes for iBooks Author is a collection of 265 compelling templates for Apple’s new application for book creation and publishing. Browse the wide range of designs to find the perfect look, add your text and images and publish your own book to iBookstore!

The 265 available templates cover various book categories from business and travel to arts and cooking. Each design is easily customizable and allows you to get the best of the book creation capabilities provided by iBooks Author.

The emphasis of Themes for iBook Author is put on entertaining writing, so it is really easy to insert text, graphics or even movies. You can also change colors, font or style thus making your work look precisely the way you want. Add text, charts, tables or images anywhere on the page with a single click.

The luxurious design and wide range of modification possibilities help to bring content to life in ways the printed books never could!


版本 4.5 中的新功能

New 5 iBooks Templates.


  • PC版

