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  • 软件介绍

瑜伽治背疼Yoga for Back Pain Relief Mac版是一款Mac平台上的健康软件,快节奏的都市生活往往会使我们忽略了自己的身体健康,使用这款软件提醒自己注意身体健康和适当的锻炼。Yoga for Back Pain Relief 演示了 9 组瑜伽动作,都是有助于舒缓背部疼痛的,当你工作久了就可以跟着它来做一下,活动活动。有需要的朋友,请到苹果商店免费的下载体验。



背部疼痛是由缺乏适当的运动和过度的压力。Yoga for Back Pain Relief 这个应用程序的练习是因为他们加强脊柱。在瑜伽中有一个公理,“你是只老你的脊椎”。保持你的脊椎的年轻和灵活的“瑜伽缓解背部疼痛”。


"Yoga for Back Pain Relief" provides a structured series of yoga poses which aim to improve flexibility and strength, and reduce back pain. Whether you have lower or upper back pain, these exercises will improve your lumbar function and may provide relief for backache.

According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, back pain is caused from lack of proper exercise and excess stress. The exercises in this app were chosen because they strengthen the spine. In yoga there is an axiom, “you are only as old as your spine”. Keep your spine young and flexible with “Yoga for Back Pain Relief”.

“Yoga for Back Pain Relief” draws upon traditional hatha yoga and was formulated by an expert in ancient yogic methods. The program guides you through several yoga poses while emphasizing correct breathing methods. As you become accustomed to the exercises, you can change the settings from beginner to intermediate, for a longer more effective session.

