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Command Center mac版(系统监控软件)

  • 软件介绍

Command Center mac版是一款Mac平台上的系统监控软件,软件体积小巧,功能强大。它的主要功能在于控制和监视的大多数方面你的Mac。这是一个自动隐藏面板的屏幕,并激活鼠标(如码头)。该小组分为两个部分:控制和监控。欢迎来9553免费的下载体验。

Command Center mac版(系统监控软件)


Command Center,从功能和界面设计上 100% 向 iOS 靠拢了,而且最重要的是这款软件是为即将到来的 macOS 全新开发的。

Command Center 在结构上要比 Control Center 紧凑很多,整个“控制中心”分“Control”与“Monitor”,“Monitor” 很好理解,类似于 iStat Menus 那套功能,显示机器的各项硬件数据,下面我们重点来看看“Control”。

话说这设计真的是照搬 iOS,当你将光标放在屏幕左侧或右侧时,Command Center 就会及时弹出,此时你可以在这里控制许多要素功能

A 区,包含了蓝牙开关、Wi-Fi 开关、屏幕亮度调节开关、勿打扰模式开关以及桌面文件隐藏开关;

B 区则负责 iTunes(未来还将支持 Spotify)的播放控制;

C 区则负责 Mac 的关机、重启、注销、休眠等基础操作,iOS 上的都没这么厉害。

此外 Control 频道的 B、C 两个两个区域之间还有一个名为 File Drop 的区域,你可以将任意文件拖入进来,做暂时存放。


Command Center (was Control Center) is a new utility app for macOS, inspired by Control Center. We’ve created a beautiful tool designed to let you control and monitor most aspects of your Mac. It is a panel that auto-hides on the side of the screen, and is activated by mouse (like the Dock). The panel is divided into two sections: Control and Monitor.

Control features include various toggles, controls, and shortcuts, allowing you to:

- Control the communication devices such as Bluetooth/Wi-Fi

- Enable a Night Mode that adjusts screen gamma after sunrise/sunset

- Enable Do Not Disturb (toggle system notifications)

- Hide or show desktop icons

- Adjust screen brightness (including on external displays)

- A Music widget that lets you control your music player (supporting iTunes and soon Spotify)

- A File Drop widget that enhances productivity by simplifying drag-and-drop of files

- Various system shortcuts, such as log-out, sleep, etc.

The Monitor features include advanced graphs and statistics for most system-related information, such as CPU, RAM, Network, Battery and Power usage.


What's New Version 1.0.3:

Fixed crash issues upon launch

Fixed crash issues when using the Night Mode Auto feature

Fixed issues preventing the Network statistic widget from working


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