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Empire XP Lite for Mac

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Empire XP Lite for Mac版是一款Mac OS X平台上的策略小游戏,Empire XP Lite for Mac建立属于自己的帝国,赢取最后的胜利,喜欢的赶紧下载使用吧!

Empire XP Lite for Mac


Empire XP Lite for Mac有9个电脑对手,8个内置的游戏地图,玩家也可以创建自己的地图和活动,并且与其他人在互联网上联网游戏。

Empire XP Lite for Mac

Empire XP Lite for Mac游戏任务是征服所有大陆,护卫,大洲。游戏进行中会有计分器和计数器对你的游戏过程统计,减少你的损失,你所需要做的就是减少你的军队损耗,使你的分数提高。

Empire XP Lite for Mac

Build an empire in this Risk-like game.

Conquer the World, against computer players or human players (LAN/Internet and Hotseat). You also can create maps and campaigns of your own and share them with others.

The game's options include seven computer personalities to choose from, submit high scores, strongholds, troop experience, statistics, and the option to play with or without dice.

Game Features Summary:

- Up to 9 computer opponents

- 8 built-in maps

- Download maps

- Create maps and campaigns of your own

- Internet/Online Gaming, play against others over the internet

- LAN multiplayer gaming, join a game or start a network game at home among the connected computers

- One-PC-multiplayer game (hotseat mode)

- Submit High Scores

- play with or without dice

- Strongholds

- Troop experience

- Statistics

- 7 ai personalities (normal, defensive, conqueror, ..)

- Move up in rank: Private, Corporal .. General

- Missions: Conquer All (default), Hold Continents, Escort, Continents

- Demo mode, use this as a tutor

- Losses counter: minimize your losses during the game, the fewer armies you need the higher is your score

Features are close to the actual board game, except:

- Trading in Risk cards for armies,

2 cards of the same design (Cavalry,Artillery, Infantry) = 5 bonus armies

3 cards = 10 bonus armies

4 cards = 15 bonus armies

5 cards = 20 bonus armies

Wild cards count as any.

Dice are not used in Empire XP, instead you can choose from :

- the biggest army always wins the battle (1-for-1 system)

- bigger army gives a better chance of winning (Dice-like results)

- Defend phase OR Attack phase.

- You can move all your armies (-1) to the newly conquered territory after a successful attack

- Maximum of 4 armies on 1 territory to place during initial placement

- Only after an attack phase you may transport 7 armies across your own territories (so-called free moves)

