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横冲直撞2 Mac版

  • 软件介绍

横冲直撞2 Mac版(Flatout 2)这是一款Mac OS系统上的赛车游戏,这是一款场景制作非常精美的游戏,节奏感强,紧张刺激,充满挑战,横冲直撞2 Mac版是一款充满破坏性的赛车游戏,碰撞效果逼真、破坏力度越大得分越高,是一款充满破坏力的暴力赛车游戏。感兴趣的朋友,欢迎到9553免费的下载体验。

横冲直撞2 Mac版


横冲直撞2 Mac版车体与环境的互动更加丰富,效果更为逼真,这将是你所见过的最疯狂的破坏性赛车游戏。优秀的物理引擎能让你自始至终感受到刺激的速度感,看到真实的物理破坏表现。2代在你与你的对手的角逐中,你的破坏力度越大,获得的奖励越多,2代将加重奖励力度。这款游戏是一款耐玩的赛车游戏,玩家可以选择16种可以定制可以更新的车型,在各种越野场景中肆意横行。

《横冲直撞2》将为您带来更为爽快的破坏感和速度感,在Crash True引擎的强大支持下,车体与环境的互动作用更加丰富,效果更为逼真,这是你所见过的最疯狂的破坏性赛车游戏。优秀的物理引擎能让你自始至终感受到刺激的速度感,看到真实的物理破坏表现。



Experience the drive of your life as you throw yourself around on and off the track causing fences to shatter, tyre walls explode, water tanks and barrels fly across the track into other cars. And if anyone, including you, gets caught up in a big smash sit back and watch as the driver gets catapulted through the windscreen in spectacular effect. With over 5000 destructible objects on each track and 40 deformable pieces on every car sparks are guaranteed to fly increasing the mayhem with every lap! 

As the different races progress youíll recognise which of the AI characters are your closest rivals. How you decide to take them out is up to you, like slamming them into a bridge, stealing a lead through an alternate route or Nitro boosting your way past them in the final moments.

And with the ever popular Rag Doll mini-games from the original FlatOut making a welcome return and better than ever with 12 Rag Doll events, a Rag Doll Championship, FlatOut 2 is set to be the biggest, brashest and most destructive action racing game on the Mac.


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