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copyclip2 for mac(剪贴板软件)

  • 软件介绍

copyclip for mac是一款非常小巧的Mac粘贴复制软件,它是Mac平台上的一款免费的Mac剪切板增强软件,软件体积小巧,使用方便,你可以从Menubar方便的曾经复制过的内容,将以前复制过的内容重新放入剪切板。它是一款非常不错的剪切板工具,欢迎到苹果商店下载使用。当前售价30元。

copyclip2 for mac(剪贴板软件)



CopyClip mac是最简单和最有效的为你的Mac剪贴板管理器。小心翼翼地从你的菜单栏,运行这个应用程序商店所有你复制或削减在过去,让你快速找到你一直在找的片段文本。


CopyClip 2 is the slickest and most efficient premium clipboard manager for your Mac. Running discreetly from your menu bar, the app stores all that you have copied or cut in the past, allowing you to quickly find that snippet of text you've been looking for.


- Ability to store up to 230 clippings

- Option to paste clippings with the original formatting if desired

- Ability to search through clippings using the embedded search bar

- Keyboard shortcuts to paste clippings

- Right-click option to ‘pin’ chosen clippings to the top of the list

- You can exclude apps you wish not to copy clippings from

- Option to edit and delete individual clippings, as well as delete all clippings at once

- Toggle between Dark/Light user interface themes

- Works on both the menubar and the Dock


版本 2.6 中的新功能

- Added new hotkey that triggers dropdown menu where your cursor is located

- Default location of window is now under menubar icon

- Remember, you can move the CopyClip 2 window by dragging it from the bottom edge of the window :)


  • PC版

