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Speed Disk Mac版(缓存清理软件)

  • 软件介绍

Speed Disk Mac版是Mac平台上的一款非常好用的缓存清理工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。我们在办公生活中,经常会下载各类软件进行使用,但是当你卸载掉这些软件时,会留下很多隐私信息缓存,会对系统运行造成影响,拖慢速度,同时也很不安全。Speed Disk Mac可以帮助mac用户对系统进行清理,还你一个安全的系统。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店下载体验。

Speed Disk Mac版(缓存清理软件)


Speed Disk Mac版是一款Mac平台的隐私缓存信息清除工具,我们在使用很多应用程序的时候,会留下很多缓存的隐私信息,如果这些信息被具备一些黑客知识的人获取,那么很有可能会造成不小的损失,而这款工具就能够帮助我们清除这些缓存的隐私信息,最大限度地保护我们的隐私安全。


If you care about your *privacy* then that is what we are here for. SpeedDisk will go through your disk and clean up artifacts that you would rather were not present.

Did you know that a list of every file you've ever downloaded from any application - even applications in private browsing mode - is just sitting there ripe for the plucking?

SpeedDisk is the only application that can delete that for you.

If you care about your *performance* then that's our other specialty. You want your computer to run faster. You don't want to leak disk space to things that slow it down. Let's fix that now.

“I can’t believe how much clutter was on my drive. One click, and seconds later I had freed up GB’s of space. Now everything runs so much faster.”

Free up clutter. Restore your speed. Get your privacy back.


版本 1.1 中的新功能

• UI enhancements


  • PC版

