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FilmLight Baselight for Nuke Mac版

  • 软件介绍

FilmLight Baselight是Mac平台上的一款非常优秀的NUKE插件,它是一款专业的电影制作级别的NUKE调色工具。软件功能强大,操作简单。值得一提的是他们的数据格式开放,除了本身的影片扫描设备所产生的格式之外,也接受Red Digital Cinema、DPX。同时,对于数据流通方面支援Avid、Flame、Smoke、Final Cut Pro X等,软件可以让您把高品质的色彩校正添加到您的镜头,这是一套全面的强大的分级工具,界面友好直观,让学习工作成为愉快的事情。欢迎到9553免费的下载体验。

FilmLight Baselight for Nuke Mac版


Bring the powerful Baselight grading toolset directly into the VFX pipeline. Baselight for NUKE enables you to add high quality, complex colour correction to your shots quickly using a comprehensive set of the powerful grading tools and other features available on full Baselight systems.

Maximum Flexibility, Maximum Efficiency

When you’re reviewing VFX dailies with your clients or your team, you don’t have to wait to get graded shots back from the colour suite, or waste time applying a ‘simple’ grade that doesn’t accurately preview the final look. Baselight for NUKE gives you real-world, complex grades right within NUKE, including spatial operations such as shapes, Temporal Degrain and Add GrainGrain, and keyframes for grades that change over time.

By seeing the full grade in context, you can spend time optimising the important factors for a shot and ignore those elements that the final grade would make unnecessary.

This simple, effective workflow is based around the Baselight Grade file (BLG).

Rendering support for Baselight features

Baselight Editions provide a comprehensive subset of features enabling complex looks to be achieved within your VFX suite. However, advanced rendering support for almost all Baselight features is provided within Baselight for NUKE—allowing final delivery of jobs (which may have been graded in a full Baselight system) directly from NUKE.

