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HazeOver for mac(干扰调节器)

  • 软件介绍

HazeOver for mac是一款帮助用户管理窗口的Mac工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。它是一款Mac平台上的干扰调节器,HazeOver for mac可以把不需要的打开的软件窗口隐藏到桌面背后,帮助用户集中自己的精力,当您切换窗口HazeOver自动突出显示活动窗口或应用程序。这是一款很好用的窗口管理软件,对于系统的优化非常有帮助。欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

HazeOver for mac(干扰调节器)


而仅仅系统级的暗黑模式只能对菜单栏和 Dock 栏有效果,而像笔者这种连 Dock 栏都设置为自动隐藏的用户来说,暗黑模式的局限就显现出来了。而通常情况下,人们会同时打开不止一个窗口在 Desktop 上,而例如系统级APP:邮件,日历,备忘录等等都是以明亮白色的设计格调为主,所以就经常会出现 Desktop 上“一片白”的情形。或者,一些用户会选择明亮的桌面壁纸,总之,在这“一片白”的情况下,即便是菜单栏和 Dock 栏为暗色调,我们都会觉得不够。所以就有了 HazeOver 的诞生。

适用体验的效果和界面的层次感还是十分明显的,除了 Front APP 外的视窗全部变暗,降低可视度。

HazeOver for mac(干扰调节器)


• Spend less time managing windows. Window clutter will no longer bother you.

• Multiple displays? HazeOver will let you know which screen is focused or highlight a window on each monitor.

• Working at night? Reduce brightness of OS X interface background.

• Dark menu bar and Dock mode will look soooo pleasing!

Heavy multi-tasking kills your concentration. All that tweets, emails, chat messages and lolcats staring back at you from the background. They strive for your attention. And you only have that much of it.

Don’t let yourself drown in scores of open windows. Hiding, switching, looking for the right one, more hiding, more switching. Calm down, breathe in, breathe out, launch HazeOver and finally concentrate on what’s you’ve been up to.


版本 1.7.3 中的新功能

Fixed: rare crash related to automatic graphics switching



  • PC版

