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Zendone for GTD Mac版(任务管理软件)

  • 软件介绍

Zendone for GTD Mac版是一款非常不错的任务管理器,软件功能强大,操作简单。它也是一款好用的GTD时间管理软件。它能够帮助用户快速管理任务程序,从而帮助用户提高任务管理效率,软件界面简洁,十分实用,还支持中文版,有需要的朋友,欢迎到苹果商店免费的下载体验。

Zendone for GTD Mac版(任务管理软件)


Zendone是基于GTD®任务管理应用程序(做事),David Allen的受欢迎的生产率的方法。


- 无缝集成与Evernote和谷歌日历


- GTD收件箱处理明确的支持。收集你的东西都多亏了Evernote的普遍性和工艺在Zendone。保持你的收件箱干净!

- 强大的系统日期的日历日期,截止日期,推迟行动(开始日期),经常性的动作,备忘录…

- GTD孵化列表支持:以后也许会和备忘录

- 云同步:使用zendone任何地方,与应用程序的iPhone,iPad,Web浏览器和Mac。



Zendone is a task management app based on GTD® (Getting Things Done), the popular productivity method by David Allen.

- 100% based on the GTD method and vocabulary

- Seamless integration with Evernote and Google Calendar

- Each piece where it belongs with explicit support for GTD lists: projects, next actions, calendar actions, waiting for, someday/maybe list, ticklers...

- Explicit support for GTD inbox processing. Collect your stuff anywhere thanks to Evernote ubiquity and process it in Zendone. Keep your inbox clean!

- Powerful system for dates: calendar dates, deadline, deferred actions (start dates), recurring actions, ticklers…

- Support for GTD incubating lists: someday/maybe and ticklers

- Cloud-based sync: use Zendone anywhere, with apps for iPhone, iPad, web browsers and Mac.

- Innovative system for managing your next actions so that you can focus only on what's next in your life. Projects are outcomes that require a sequence of actions . But you can create groups of actions within a project that can be executed in parallel.


  • PC版

