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山地摩托2 Mac版

  • 软件介绍

山地摩托2 Mac版是Mac平台上的一款模拟赛车游戏,游戏制作精美,画风真实细腻。山地摩托2 Mac版游戏在前作基础上提供了更强大的物理效果,配合上新添加的几个街机风格动作能给玩家更好的山地摩托驾驶体验。喜欢赛车游戏的玩家不要错过了。欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

山地摩托2 Mac版


在山地摩托2 Mac版游戏中,你需要使用各种技巧,将你的电脑对手击败,并获得胜利,不过对手也不是那么好对付的!山地摩托2 Mac版游戏包含了5款精致的3D赛道,12台性能各异的越野摩托。

山地摩托2 Mac版游戏从一开始便向你展示了细腻真实的3D画面,你将在这里体验到独一无二的越野摩托驾驶体验。喜欢山地竞速以及模拟摩托极限运动的玩家不妨来试试这一款好玩的游戏。

山地摩托2 Mac版


'Hardcore Dirt Bike 2' is the sequel of our great game 'Hardcore Dirt Bike' .

With improved graphics and physics over its predecessor it gives you a good feel of dirt bike simulation plus some extra arCADe-style action.

In order to complete the game you have to make tricks,kick your computer opponents and win the races to unlock tracks and bikes ,but beware that the opponents can be pretty nasty!

The game sports 5 beautiful 3d tracks with top graphics and 12 bikes with different power,grip and brake settings .

Enter the game right from the beginning with the stunning 3d menu replicating the real scene of a race backstage.


  • PC版

