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FLAC Converter Pro Mac版(音频格式转换器)

  • 软件介绍

FLAC Converter Pro Mac版是一款Mac平台的无损音频格式转换器,软件功能强大,操作简单,FLAC Converter Pro能够轻松地将FLAC转换为苹果无损的ALAC M4A等格式的音频,以满足你想要将音乐装进iTunes、iPod、iPhone等的需求。软件支持各种常见的音频格式,非常的方便实用。欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。当前售价12元。

FLAC Converter Pro Mac版(音频格式转换器)


如果你电脑中FLAC格式的音频,只要你想要将它们放进你的iTunes里面或其他苹果设备中,FLAC Converter Pro for Mac都可以轻松办到。它不仅可以无损转换,还能够同时保存元数据和文件名,从您的FLACS转换为ALAC M4As。将输出保存到文件夹排序歌手/专辑。所有您需要做的就是拖动输出文件夹到iTunes,你就大功告成了!

FLAC Converter Pro Mac版(音频格式转换器)


FLAC have increased in popularity in recent years because they're all audio formats that lose absolutely no quality unlike formats such MP3 or OGG.

If you've never come across it yet, FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec which is an audio format similar to MP3 but completely lossless meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality.

To the untrained ear, it's hard to distinguish the difference between a FLAC file and an MP3 although musicians and editors certainly will notice. The principle is same as how a ZIP file works but FLAC offers superior compression and quality because FLAC is designed specifically for audio.

FLAC Converter Pro is a simply tool that can be used to encode any format to FLAC, FLAC Converter Pro makes it incredibly easy to convert to FLAC because you just have to drag and drop files into the interface.

Fast and easy to use, FLAC Converter Pro is a great user friendly app for those that need to compress audio files without losing any quality at all.


  • PC版

