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柯林斯英英词典mac版是一款基于Mac os平台上的一款非常实用的Mac翻译软件,柯林斯英英词典Mac版该词典所有资源均来自于柯林斯独一无二的语言资料库(被称为Collins Word Web),该数据库中收集了10亿多条词汇,及这些词汇在图书、报纸、广播、信函或演说中被使用过的例句。


柯林斯英语大词典(Collins English Dictionary)是一本权威的英语词典,内含118000条词汇,220000条相关解释,及时收录全球各地区常用的新词、方言。柯林斯是哈珀·柯林斯出版集团的一个分支机构。从1819年开始,柯林斯就一直在词典出版方面处于领先地位,出版了大量的英语与其他语言的工具词典。

Collins english-english dictionary MAC version is a MAC OS platform based on a very practical MAC translation software, english-english dictionary MAC version the Collins dictionary all resources from the unique Collins corpus (known as Collins Word Web), the database is a collection of more than 1 billion words, and these are the words in books, newspapers, radio, letters or speech used e.g.

Function is introduced

Collins English Dictionary (Collins English Dictionary) is an authoritative Dictionary of the English language, contains 118000 words, 220000 related explanation, timely collected in various areas of the world commonly used words, dialect. Collins is Harper Collins publishing group, a branch. Since 1819, Collins has been a leading position in dictionaries, published a large number of English and other languages tools dictionary.

