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Framer Studio for Mac

  • 软件介绍

Framer Studio 是一款 Mac 上的强大的移动原型设计工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。基于Framer.js快速原型框架,可以快速的创建可交互的原型,支持移动应用的原型设计,集成了photoshop & Sketch等软件,可以快速的将这些软件的源文件导入到原型中,受到了 Google、Dropbox 等公司的推荐。欢迎来9553免费下载这一款原型设计工具。

Framer Studio for Mac


Framer Studio

is a new creative tool to build interaction and animation prototypes. It allows you to connect pixels to behavior and discover exciting new ways of interaction design.

High Fidelity Prototypes

Prototyping helps designers, developers and many others effectively communicate concepts, ranging from micro-interactions to entire onboarding flows.

Design for Any Device

Explore interactions for desktop apps, websites or mobile platforms. Choose from 8 pre-installed devices in multiple colors or quickly modify your exact setup.

Complete your design workflow

Finished designing mockups? Import them into Framer with a single click. Start adding interactions and animations to bring your designs to life.

Build and experience your designs

When designing for mobile, the best way to validate concepts is to experience them on the actual device. Preview your prototypes in realtime with Mirror.

Framer Studio for Mac



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