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Viper FTP for Mac(FTP软件)

  • 软件介绍

Viper FTP for Mac是Mac上一款实用的FTP软件。软件功能强大,操作简单。可以支持本地和远程文件管理,支持各种文件格式,同时传输多个文件,可以进行文件或文件夹的名称比较。这是Mac平台上的一款非常不错的文件管理工具,有需要的朋友,欢迎来9553免费的下载体验。

Viper FTP for Mac(FTP软件)


Viper FTP for Mac功能强大,使用方便,专为OS X的文件管理器。新的用户界面进行了重新设计,以冷静,干净,功能。Viper FTP for Mac处理的WebDav服务器,亚马逊S3服务器,局域网服务器卓悦,和视频甚至直接到YouTube上传。这将创建你选择文件的HTTP URL,让您轻松通过URL或电子邮件分享。它存储和显示你的历史记录和跟踪日志,存储多个FTP帐户的凭据,可以让你同时拥有多个传输发生在不同的服务器上。工具栏让您即时访问您的书签服务器。Viper FTP for Mac已经内置ZIP,RAR,GZ,TAR和支持。它具有快速的文件搜索在两个本地和远程计算机。您可以自定义界面的喜好,通过多种元素。您可以编辑远程文件进行快速的变化。


Viper FTP for Mac支持本地和远程文件管理(FTP,SFTP,WebDAV的,亚马逊S3,YouTube的上传),支持最后连接,书签,卓悦,收藏。可以在一个地方进行管理。保持文件操作的历史(什么,何时,何地与服务器回复)。支持转换远程文件/文件夹到HTTP / HTTPS地址与即时电子邮件选项。支持搜索,查看和直接在远程服务器上编辑文件。用户可以使用工具栏保持您最喜爱的服务器提供了一个即时访问到远程位置。所有文件(隐藏,系统)是可见的。要查找一个文件键入其名。可以进行文件/文件夹进行比较。对ZIP,RAR,GZ格式文件管理。应用程序窗口可以链接(移动,显示和隐藏起来)


Viper FTP Lite is a handy and powerful file manager for Mac OS X, with a tremendous user interface that makes it effortless to use.

Viper FTP Lite helps in local and remote file management (FTP, SFTP, WebDav, Amazon S3, and YouTube-upload). All hidden and system files are visible allowing users to locate a file just by typing its name. Viper FTP Lite allows users to share items via Mail app, make the HTTP URL of a specific file and swiftly compare files and folders.

Viper FTP Lite does what you expect - it lets you connect to remote servers and upload and download files, dragging-and-dropping, bookmarking servers and the like.

Top features:

- Local and remote file management (FTP, SFTP, WebDav, Amazon S3, YouTube-upload)

- Last connections, Bookmarks, Bonjour, Favourites can be managed in one place.

- Monitors everything you have done and keeps a record in the History Log.

- Each transfer you start has it's own trace log to watch how the transfer is going on.

- Converting remote file/folder into HTTP/HTTPS address with an instant email option.

- Find everything fast. Just type the name to locate the files, or use a filter to display specific types of files.

- Viper FTP allows you to quickly preview your image, video, audio and other files.

- Scan for any working FTP servers in your LAN with Bonjour.

- Using the toolbar for keeping your favourite servers gives an instant access to the remote locations.

- All files (hidden, system) are visible. To locate a file just start typing its name.

- Files/folders compare.

- Zip, tar, tgz, gz archive management.

- Application windows can be linked (will move, show and hide together)





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