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Anatomy Game Anatomicus Mac版(医学软件)

  • 软件介绍

Anatomy Game Anatomicus Mac版是一款Mac平台上的医学软件Anatomy Game Anatomicus Mac版是Mac平台上的一款专业的人体解剖学软件,即使你不是学医的专业人员,也可以通过这个软件学习医学知识,了解人体内各个器官的构造。对于医学院的学生来说,这款软件可以帮助你们复习人体解剖学知识。欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

Anatomy Game Anatomicus Mac版(医学软件)


Anatomy Game Anatomicus Mac版包含人体器官系统:肌肉系统、心血管系统、消化系统、神经系统、骨骼系统、呼吸系统、生殖系统、泌尿系统。然后,你看,在那里你可以玩戳阶段水平。打开扫描的水平,你在戳级别的性能必须至少占50。在系统详细的解剖,你试图找到问部分。时间是有限的,所以你应该快速点击的区域。帮你找,颜色变化在要求的区域。你找不到时间再问的地区。


Even if you don't know anything about human anatomy, you can play this anatomy game easily and learn about locations of organs and systems. This educative game is useful especially to medical students. Also, puzzle game lovers wanting to play different game should play it.

Choose one of the eight human systems: Muscular System, Cardiovascular System, Digestive System, Nervous System, Skeletal System, Respiratory System, Reproductive System, and Urinary System. Then, you see stages where you can play the poke level. To unlock scan levels, your performance at the poke levels must be at least % 50. In detailed anatomy of the system, you try to find asked part. Time is limited, so you should be fast when clicking on the region. To help you find, colour changes on the asked region. The regions that you cannot find in time are asked again.

