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Forecaster Mac版

  • 软件介绍

Forecaster Mac版是一款Mac平台的天气预报软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。为我们提供了简单清爽的界面展示所选城市的天气预报信息,可以添加多个城市来同时获取多个城市的天气预报信息。这款软件对于天气的预测非常详细和具体,界面简洁美观,软件本身也不大,适合在Mac平台使用。在苹果商店可以下载这一款软件,当前售价1.99美元。

Forecaster Mac版



Forecaster Mac版


Forecaster Mac版


Forecaster Mac版


Forecaster is a modern weather app for the Mac and iOS. It provides a simple and clear forecast for weather locations you select. If snow is in the forecast you will actually get the predicted snowfall total and not just an icon that leaves you wondering. If the location you select is a body of water you will get a marine forecast, letting you know how big the waves will be. It gathers it's forecasts from NOAA and therefore is only available in the United States and it's territories.

Some of the unique features of Forecaster are that it updates the dock icon with the temperature of your current location. It has a clean and easy to use interface, and provides a great map view.

Adding new locations is as easy as centering the map on the location, creating a name for the location, and saving it. The saved locations are synced across your computers through iCloud, so you will only ever have to maintain a single list of locations.


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